Things You Should Know Before Building A Custom House


Building a custom home is full of surprises. Budget, placement of utility infrastructure and features you select are just some of the factors that have a habit of changing during construction. You may find yourself disappointed halfway through the build because things seemingly aren’t going your way. If you do your research, however, you can ensure that unexpected surprises don’t have the emotional impact they otherwise would. Below, we discuss 6 things you should know before building a custom house to make the ride that much smoother. 

You Will Probably Overspend in Some Areas 

This point doesn’t imply that you will massively exceed your total building budget for your custom home build. In fact, most custom home builds stay within their budget. There are, however, a few categories of appliances and features that tend to surprise home builders with their cost: like appliances, window coverings and gardens. These features can cost serious big bucks, so it’s best to try to save money in other areas if you can. 

It’s Worth Visiting Your Work Site Daily 

Visiting your work site daily is incredibly time consuming, but it’s worth it to make sure contractors don’t cut corners and leave you with power points in the wrong place or a kitchen island which isn’t centred, for instance. You need to oversee installations as much as possible or subcontractors will make your decisions for you. 

Minor Defects are Not Worth Crying About 

There will probably be a range of minor defects and imperfections you notice during construction, like cracks in floorboards or chips in cabinets. Believe us, when you have occupancy approval and you have filled your house with furniture, these little imperfections will seem like a distant memory. 

Trim Cracking is Normal 

In the first few years after your house has been built and it begins to ‘settle’, cracking in your trim (skirting boards and roof panels) is not uncommon. These cracks may be frustrating at first, but guests shouldn’t notice them and after the house has settled it’s easy to get them fixed up for a low fee. 

Your House Will Appear Smaller During Framing 

It’s normal to fret and worry that your custom home is not big enough during the framing stage of construction: when walls are built. This is a common ‘optical illusion’, however, and once the dry walls are up your house will once again appear to be the size you dreamed of during planning. 

Contact UHomes Living Today 

If you are interested in building a life in Melbourne, contact U Homes today for a professional consultation. We have been building custom homes in Melbourne for more than 10 years now. We offer a wide range of tailor-made solutions for first home buyers looking to enter the market. We are available to speak to you from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Contact our friendly consultants on 03 9048 5737 today or reach out via our contact page to ask about how we can help you  start the process of building your custom home.